credit card debt settlement

Losing sleep because you have way too much credit card debt? You’re not alone. Here are some tips which can help you with your credit card debt settlement:

Reduce your available credit

If you have several credit cards, its likely that one of them has a lower APR than the rest. And if the card that has the lowest APR has an available balance and offers balance transfer options, the practical thing to do would be to transfer balances from the cards with high APR to this card where possible. This will go a long way towards your credit card debt settlement.

Another simple solution would be to call your credit card issuer and ask them to reduce your credit limit altogether, so that you don’t have any available credit to play with. That way you wont be tempted to use the card unnecessarily, which would further increase your credit card debt.


Credit card debt settlement can be hastened by paying the bill on time, and paying more than the minimum amount due. A budget will help you do this. Rather than maintaining a monthly budget, try a weekly budget instead. A weekly budget is easier to adhere to and allows you to make payments towards your credit card debt settlement weekly rather than monthly. Weekly payments on your credit cards will reduce the amount of overall interest on your credit cards since interest is accrued daily, rather than monthly.

The Consumer Counseling Center of America (CCCA)

A last resort, CCCA is a non-profit organizations with branches all over the United States that helps people struggling to keep up payments on unsecured debts, including credit card debt settlement, by consolidating your debt for you, and negotiating with your creditors for your interest rates to be lowered or eliminated altogether. How much you pay will be decided on the basis of a budget . As part of the agreement, you wont have to deal with creditors anymore – you CCCA weekly or monthly and CCCA then forwards the payment to your creditors.

settlement solution for credit card: a way out the long winding highway

The hassles of having credit card debt is definitely something that hurts you inside out. It has also become a rather common problem because it is often neglected or people simply don’t know what to do other than doing reckless things that get them to even more trouble. Don’t let yourself be another addition to the world’s grieving population of credit card debt victims. Enlighten yourself with settlement solutions for credit card that are available to you. In some ways, it can be the best option you can utilize, as it basically lowers your debt once your application has been approved.

With credit card debt settlement, you can clear out your debt in at least 12 months. This is possible because you are only required to pay a small percentage of your original debt. In extreme cases, you can have only 40 percent of it to worry about. This is very good news for anyone feeling the pressure of a repayment method that would take them years to finish.

If you are on your last legs, declaring bankruptcy may be a glaring option you can choose instead of a settlement solution for credit card. This is a good last resort option since you can turn your back on the majority of your debt, leaving you with a not-so-intimidating amount to take care of. However, new laws have been enacted in Congress stating that you can only file bankruptcy if you pass a test that will determine if you are really eligible for this.

Why is a settlement solution for credit card better than, say, the more popular choice of debt consolidation? At first glance, an advantage consolidation has is you can get another loan to pay off your debt, and as such, it is seen by many as a very convenient way of managing your credit problems. But keep in mind that a consolidation loan is still a loan, and as such it needs to be repaid in full, but it in a more beneficial payment structure. This is what differentiates this method from the aforementioned ones, as it does not exactly reduce your debt by any amount.

There’s no need to consult anybody to know that credit card debt can turn into a hideous beast: hard to tame and even harder to get rid of. A settlement solution for credit card is an effective weapon you can wield to take control of the situation. So if you ever find yourself with a huge debt, you should right now be taking the steps necessary to acquire a settlement, so the help of not having to get another loan and shorter repayment time can be yours.

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